32 Guidelines (Section 2)
- Supports WBS structure
- Supports OBS structure as well as a CLIN, Control Account, Work Package and any other break down structure
- Supports budget planning, estimate planning, WAD, BCRs and imports to/from other
EVM tools. evData Pro also has two RAM reports
- Supports any element of cost including overhead and/or indirect costs
- Supports Control Accounts as well as work packages and relationship between OBS
and WBS, control accounts, work packages, etc.
- Supports schedule by importing from other schedule tools
- Supports schedule by importing from other schedule tools
- Supports WADs and BCR workflow process
- Supports any number of cost elements
- Supports any number work packages
- Supports a detailed cost rollup of control accounts, CLINs, or any other type of work
breakdown structure
- Supports a method that identifies LOE type work
- Supports budgets at any account level as well as WADs
- Supports elements of cost for management reserve and undistributed budgets
- Supports a whole EAC Justification workflow
- Supports methods to identify director versus indirect costs
- Supports methods to summarize any cost by any breakdown structure
- Supports methods to summarize any cost by any breakdown structure
- Supports methods to identify director versus indirect costs
- Supports report for material cost that identify unit costs at any account level
- Supports schedule variances and cost variance calculations at any account level
- Supports rules that identify significant variance for analysis…up to 14 different
business rules
- Supports rules that identify significant indirect variances for analysis…
- Supports summarizing any account for any element of cost for any break down
- Supports corrective action item tracking workflow process
- Supports complete EAC Justification workflow process
- Supports real-time estimate and budget planning / pricing process
- Supports budget change thru a WAD process, BCR process, and thru a reporting
process delta BAC (budget at completion)
- Supports by limiting any changes that can be made retroactively
- Supports by limiting any changes that can be made retroactively
- Supports PMBs via a number of methods